Need to make changes Arlington

‘It was amusing and not surprising’ to see that there are still a few people living in Arlington that do not believe that the most recent trend in global warming is neither dangerous nor is it caused by humans. I, myself, was skeptical at first until I looked into the new research.

‘It was amusing and not surprising’ to see that there are still a few people living in Arlington that do not believe that the most recent trend in global warming is neither dangerous nor is it caused by humans. I, myself, was skeptical at first until I looked into the new research.

The research on global warming has been exhaustive and extensive and these days more than 90 percent of the scientific community accepts the facts. In looking at the CO2 levels back as far as seven ice ages ago, the CO2 levels have never been as high as they are now. The research points to humans and our industrialization as the cause. Of course, there will always be nay-sayers, even the great physicist Max Planck said, ‘A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing it’s opponents and making them see the light but rather because it’s opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that’s familiar with it.’ But if we wait for a new generation, it will be too late.

The beauty of the research that’s been shared so publicly in recent years is that many young minds have come to understand the situation. These young people are making a difference, not just in their actions, but by sharing information and setting good examples for us old farts that are resistant to change.

Yes, cleaning the rivers and roadsides is very important, but the problem is deeper. We can’t just sit back and watch, we all need to make changes and accept the necessary changes in our lives that will solve some of the global warming problems we face today.

Alison Shaffor