Not a crime? Arlington

I found the Arlington Times July 16 article about the immigrants full of contradictions. Rosa said she hasn’t committed a crime, yet she’s here illegally. She only wants a better life for her son, yet after being here for six years, she needed an interpreter. Instead of assimilating themselves into our society, they put an extra burden on us because we have to hire extra teachers to teach their children English, even if they were born here.

I found the Arlington Times July 16 article about the immigrants full of contradictions. Rosa said she hasn’t committed a crime, yet she’s here illegally. She only wants a better life for her son, yet after being here for six years, she needed an interpreter. Instead of assimilating themselves into our society, they put an extra burden on us because we have to hire extra teachers to teach their children English, even if they were born here.

If these people were serious, they would get green cards and work here legally, assimilate like all other nationalities have in the past and become contributors to our great nation instead of burdens.

Kathy Lary