Thank you one cannot place a value on life

I would like to thank the two men who rescued my husband and son after my husband went overboard on his boat near the Shipwreck in the Sound on Aug. 24, at approximately 7 a.m.

I would like to thank the two men who rescued my husband and son after my husband went overboard on his boat near the Shipwreck in the Sound on Aug. 24, at approximately 7 a.m.
My son dove into the water to try and save his father and the result was that both my husband and son would have drowned without the help of two anonymous persons in a boat who heard my granddaughters screams, threw life jackets to my son and husband, fished them out of the water and reunited them with my two granddaughters who were still in the moving boat.
You will never know how much our family is indebted to the two gentlemen who helped. One cannot place a value on a life and we can never repay your kindness adequately. May God bless you both richly.
Debbie Axtman