Thank you, Tribes

The members of the Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society would like to thank the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians for the generous grant we received from them in January. Since our Society is non-profit, the Tribes financial assistance is greatly appreciated.

The members of the Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society would like to thank the Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians for the generous grant we received from them in January. Since our Society is non-profit, the Tribes financial assistance is greatly appreciated.
The Societys library is located at 135 North Olympic Avenue. We are open on Tuesdays from noon to 4 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Every ancestor, whether form Arlington or just about anywhere else, has a story to tell. We can help you find those stories.
To better serve the public, our monthly meetings are now being held on the second Tuesday of the month, 1 – 3 p.m., at the library. Guest speakers at the Feb. 12 meeting were members of the Lee family, talking about their pioneer ancestors of early Arlington. The
March 11 guest speaker will show us how to produce high quality photos using a digital camera and your home computer. Mary Buzzell, President of SVGS, will speak on the history of the Lutheran Church in the Stilly Valley at the April 8 meeting. And on May 13, we will have our annual meeting with yearly committee report, elections and our famous anniversary cake. The meetings are always open to the public. Please plan on joining us soon.
Michele Heiderer