Arlington junior serves as legislative page in Washington House

A junior at Arlington High School recently served as a legislative page in the House of Representatives in Olympia.

ARLINGTON — A junior at Arlington High School recently served as a legislative page in the House of Representatives in Olympia.

Katie Burke, daughter of Tammy and Jeff Burke, helped Rep. Kirk Pearson (R-Monroe) in Olympia during the week of Jan. 11.

“I want to eventually be in the Legislature, so I thought paging would be a good opportunity to learn more about how it works,” said Burke, who lives in Oso.

The 16-year-old said her favorite part of the experience was running errands, meeting new people from throughout the state and seeing the Capitol campus.

“Katie was a real joy to have serve us this week,” Pearson said. “Whenever we have students here who are looking at how they can serve their communities in the future, it really makes me proud. From everything I have seen, she would make an excellent legislator one day.

Burke said she wants to attend Everett Community College after graduating high school.

While serving as a page, students spend one week attending page school, learning the inner workings of state government and assisting legislators on the House floor.

Pages must be between the ages of 14-16 and must have a legislative sponsor. A written permission slip from students’ parents and their schools must also be obtained.

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