Neff named Dairy Ambassador

Andrea Neff was crowned Snohomish County Dairy Ambassador for 2009 at the 54th Annual Dairy Ambassador Coronation Banquet at Silvana Hall April 25.

SILVANA — Andrea Neff was crowned Snohomish County Dairy Ambassador for 2009 at the 54th Annual Dairy Ambassador Coronation Banquet at Silvana Hall April 25.

Neff received her tiara from last year’s winner, Melissa Cook, who will compete for the state title in June.

A 2006 graduate of Marysville-Pilchuck High School, Neff is the daughter of Simon and Cherene Neff, of Arlington. Neff attended Everett Community College and University of Hawaii in Hilo.

As a student at M-PHS, she was active with high school choir and theater.

She lived on the family dairy farm for her first 10 years, and when the family moved off the farm, she joined the Cloverleaf 4-H Club.

She spent time at her uncle’s Holstein farm helping her cousins feed the calves and she showed dairy cows and goats for five years in 4-H, then served as president of Future Farmers of America while in high school.

Neff is an accomplished skier, an avid hunter and played soccer for more than 20 seasons. She also enjoys ballroom dancing and studies her Swiss heritage.

Her plans include finishing college and pursuing a career in education.

Her competition, Kelsey Anderson, of Snohomish, and Brooke Schoenbachler, of Stanwood, were named equal alternates at the banquet, which was presented by the Snohomish County Dairy Women.

Other awards presented at the banquet include two $750 scholarships for last year’s ambassador, Melissa Cook, of Snohomish, and Cayla Boisseranc of Maltby. Cook also received the DHIA Kearney Trophy for outstanding 4-H club member for all aspects of competitions at Evergreen State Fair, including showing animals, judging, demonstrations and helping others.

Pat Manning, of Arlington, was named the 2009 Snohomish County Dairy Shrine Honoree and accepted the engraved pitcher from Dick Barr, prsent, and Ellene Kearney, board member of the Snohomish County Dairy Shrine. Manning farmed in the Silvana area and started leading a 4-H group in 1968, serving 4-H in many other capacities through the years, according to Ellen Dodge.

“She served the Dairy Women as treasurer for many years and was also president of the Washington State Dairy Women’s Association,” Dodge said.