Featuring the master mind of John Fosdick, Dog Leg Preacher will be performing Saturday, April 26, at the Spar Tree in Granite Falls.
A member of Arlington Boy Scout Troop No. 29, Zach Tankersley finished his Eagle Scout project just in time for Presidents Elementary School’s carnival.
Okay everybody, let’s all chime in together in four-part harmony and sing the praises of our delightful spring weather. Hasn’t it been just glorious, the weeks after blessed weeks of non-stop precipitation and perpetual overcast? Just when I think it is finally going to warm up an be nice we get another cold front blowing in, the daytime temps drop down to the low 40s and the nights border on freezing. Let me tell you, while this is hard on the plants, it is murder on the gardeners.
Two Marysville-Pilchuck High School students won prizes at the national level of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards program, a program that identifies and develops creative teenagers.
The Adopt-A-Stream Foundation is offering to survey the status of Quilceda Creek, and other damaged streams in the region, and a meeting is set for 7 p.m., Wednesday, April 23 at the Marysville Fire District Training Room, 1635 Grove Street, Marysville. Quilceda Creek flows through the Urban Growth Area between Arlington and Marysville into the Snohomish River.
Marysville volunteer opportunities
The Adopt-A-Stream Foundation has announced four different meetings for landowners along four different Snohomish County streams to explore ways to improve salmon habitat and water quality.
An employee of the city of Arlington, Brian Fritts and his band are joining several other bands in a benefit for a new First Amendment Scholarship.
An exotic musical opportunity is coming to the Byrnes Performing Arts Center, when Batucada Yemanjá do Pacifico offers a concert starting at 7 p.m., Saturday, April 19. It’s a benefit concert for Haller Middle School Band’s instrument fund, according to Haller’s music teacher, Joe Horsak, who is a member of the band more commonly known as Batucada.
I don’t know about you but I am so sick and tired of this relentless cold and wet weather I could just spit. Every where I look it seems to appear that spring is here but it sure doesn’t feel like it. Days in the low to mid-40s and nights still in the 30s. The ground is so cold and wet that I have absolutely no desire to bend down and pull a weed or plant a new perennial. My vegetable garden soil in my raised beds is ready but every time I think I am going to plant some new transplants it is raining again. What’s a gardener to do? Go to the Home and Garden Show of course.
We would like to encourage our readers to send in their favorite
A Lakewood-area artist, Shari Osti is curating a fun show, “Spring: Adventures in Abstract,” that will also include her own mono-print abstracts and paintings, with a group of fellow abstract artists from around the county, at Lowell Art Work studio in the historic Solo district of Everett. An opening reception is set from 4-7 p.m., Saturday, April 19.