Safe Harbor Podiatry Clinic takes appointments starting in March

STANWOOD — Safe Harbor, which serves Arlington and Marysville, is now taking appointments for its Podiatry Clinic starting in March. The Podiatry Clinic had previously been a walk-in clinic, but because of increasing demand, it's changing to by-appointment only.

STANWOOD — Safe Harbor, which serves Arlington and Marysville, is now taking appointments for its Podiatry Clinic starting in March. The Podiatry Clinic had previously been a walk-in clinic, but because of increasing demand, it’s changing to by-appointment only.

The Podiatry Clinic takes place at Safe Harbor on the second Friday of every month. Doors open at 6 p.m at the Skagit Regional Clinic in Stanwood. Safe Harbor is located at 9631 269th St. NW in Stanwood.

This specialty clinic addresses all foot ailments, and no referral is necessary to be seen at the Podiatry Clinic, whose next session is scheduled for Friday, March 8.

To make an appointment, please call Safe Harbor at 425-870-7384 or email them at