$670K available for Oso slide victims for help with housing

The Board of Cascade Valley Hospital Foundation has allocated $670,000 to aid Oso victims who lost their primary residence to the landslide or subsequent flooding.

The Board of Cascade Valley Hospital Foundation has allocated $670,000 to aid Oso victims who lost their primary residence to the landslide or subsequent flooding.

The program’s purpose is to assist families in returning to permanent, primary housing. The program provides up to $30,000 per family for up to 24 months, and will be administered by the Arlington Family Resource Project.

“The CVH Foundation is honored to help families who lost their primary residence due to the 530 mudslide. Our hearts are with the families as they work to re-establish their lives after such devastating loss. Although we all know they will never recover all that was lost, we hope that help towards permanent housing will make one part of their journey a little easier,” foundation president and Arlington Mayor Barbara Tolbert said.

Families who lost their primary residence may apply by contacting the Arlington Family Resource Project at 360-629-5257. Funds may be used for mortgage, rent and down payments. Funds will be paid directly to banks, mortgage institutions, landlords or rental companies.

Housing benefits will be granted per family who resided together at the time of the slide. The program will end when the funds are claimed or on Nov. 1, 2016, whichever comes first.

CVH Foundation grants for Oso slide relief now total more than $1.775 million. All funds were donated, approximately 30 percent from groups, companies, corporations, tribes, and the other 70 percent from the public. Direct aid to families includes cash and gift cards via North Counties Family Services and the resource project; funeral costs, small business support, critical incident stress management, well water checking, healthcare costs, children’s social programs, school counseling and funds allocated for housing grants.

Direct aid to families grant total is over $1,185 million. Grants to first responder organizations total $430,000. Other grants total $139,500.