Arlington firefighters provide live fire and extinguisher training to HCI Steel

The Arlington Fire Department provided hands-on fire extinguisher training to more than 70 employees at HCI Steel Building Systems June 30, as part of their commitment to partnering with local businesses for safer work places.

ARLINGTON — The Arlington Fire Department provided hands-on fire extinguisher training to more than 70 employees at HCI Steel Building Systems June 30, as part of their commitment to partnering with local businesses for safer work places.

Fire Captains Scott Hillis and Dave Kraski had their crews light small pan fires, while HCI Steel Safety Coordinator Melissa Cavendar had workers gather in teams to learn about the pull, aim, squeeze and sweep method of putting out fires with extinguishers. Firefighters then taught the teams about extinguisher components, when extinguishers should be used, and when to back out of fires.

“Being able to provide this training to our staff is valuable,” Cavendar said. “With so many people working on welding here, it is important for our workers to feel empowered in their own safety. Plus, they can use this information at home, especially with fireworks just around the corner.”

“Working with local companies is part of what providing community safety is all about,” Hillis said. “We teach them how to use the extinguishers, but we also tell them to have someone call 9-1-1.”

“Having the ability to meet with folks face to face, before an incident happens, and provide them with the skills to prevent, or at least minimize, events at their facility, is a win-win for all of us,” Kraski said.