Arlington schools raise money for Haiti relief

Local schools recently joined the Haiti relief effort.

ARLINGTON — Local schools recently joined the Haiti relief effort.

According to Arlington School District spokeswoman Misti Gilman, district schools took part in a number of fundraisers, including bake sales and coin drives.

As of Friday, Jan. 22, Post Middle School raised $750.77 to purchase medical supplies for injured people. The supplies were scheduled to be sent with a team of nine individuals — including a former district nursing program director — who went to Haiti that day.

School officials said they originally hoped to raise $500, but received more than $160 during the bake sale’s first day.

Haller Middle School’s P3 club held bake sales and teachers said they were planning a Valentine’s Day sucker sale with proceeds going to Haiti relief.

P3 stands for People, Planet and Peace club.

Pioneer, Kent Prairie and Eagle Creek elementary schools all held coin drives, according to school officials.

Kathy Engell, principal at Kent Prairie, said that one student donated her tooth fairy money.

“Some kids were (also) saving for a new toy and donated,” Engell wrote in an e-mail. “Heart-warming!”