Cell phone recycling helps domestic violence victims

Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County is recycling cell phones.

Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County is recycling cell phones.

Cell phones, even without service, can call 911 when charged, and may be given to victims of domestic violence to keep them safe.

Older phones or phones that are broken, missing chargers or suffer other problems can be sent to phone recyclers, which will pay from 50 cents to $20 per phone. Money received from phone recycling is used to help fund programs and services offered to victims of domestic violence and their children.

Phones may be dropped off at the Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County office, located at 1310 Pacific Avenue, Suite 5, in Everett. Other locations can be found by visiting the Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County Web site, or by calling Julie Martin at 425-259-2827, ext. 13.