City calls for hotel tax grant proposals

Arlington The city of Arlington wants to give away $120,000.

Arlington The city of Arlington wants to give away $120,000.
To that end applications are due Dec. 14 from public and non-profit agencies for projects that assist tourism development and promotion in the city. The program is funded through the taxes imposed on hotel and motel room rents inside city limits.
This is the third year for the citys grant program. Prior to that time, the citys hotel-motel taxes were distributed through Snohomish Countys Hotel and Motel Tax Grant Program.
Applicants will be evaluated on a competitive basis to organizations with a demonstrated ability to complete their projects by
Dec. 31, 2008.
Requirements include a match which can be in cash or in kind from the proposing organization.
Each proposal submitted will be considered by the Hotel/Motel Tax Advisory Committee before recommendation to the City Council for final decision.
The funds primary purpose is for projects that will attract overnight visitors to Arlington, thus feeding the fund for next year. Funded projects range from brochures about Arlington events that will be largely distributed beyond the local community, and advertising of events outside of the Arlington area to encourage visitors to come and spend a night.
Previously funded projects include a rack card for the Arlington Fly-In, a schedule of events brochure in Arlington for the Downtown Merchants and the Art in Arlington brochure for the Arlington Arts Council. The Arlington-Smokey Point Chamber of Commerce also receives assistance for hosting the Visitor Information Center as well as for the telephone directory that includes information about the city and its events and is distributed across the country when people call to request information about Arlington.
Grants can pay for the following:
n All or part of tourism promotion.
n Acquiring tourism-related facilities in which the city has ownership interest.
n Operating tourism facilities in which the city has ownership interest.
n Funding a multi-jurisdictional tourism related facility.
n Funding general economic development projects that may increase tourism.
Applications are available from the citys Finance Department, 238 N. Olympic Ave, Arlington or call 360-403-3421. Applications are due in the Finance Department office by 5 p.m., Dec. 14.