City offers classes

The city of Arlington recently released a list of its community classes being offered in January and February.

To pre-register for classes, call 360-403-3448.

• Jan. 16 and 23, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. — Babysitting Basics: This instructional course is geared toward youth ages 10-14 who would like to receive babysitting certification.

Offered by Campfire and open to all, participants learn how to feed and diaper infants and toddles, handle children’s bed and bath routines, set limits and handle troublesome behaviors, prevent accidents and respond to emergencies.

Participants must attend both days to receive certification, and are encouraged to bring a sack lunch or snack.

Classes take place in the community room of the Arlington Boys & Girls Club. Cost is $30.

• Jan. 30, 9 a.m.-noon — Gluten-free Baking: A three-hour class that will introduce participants to gluten-free flours and other necessary ingredients common to gluten-free baking.

The class is designed for those who have family or friends who can’t have foods with gluten.

Instructor Sandy Nelson will create and share some of her favorite recipes including pizza crust, tortillas and cookies.

Class attendees interested in making sugar-free recipes are asked to indicate so when registering.

Fee is $45 (includes food supply fee). Class takes place in the community room at the Arlington Boys & Girls Club, 18513 59th Ave. NE, Arlington.

• Feb. 4 and 11, 6:30-9 p.m. — Retirement Planning Today: Attendees of this course will discover how to determine the amount of cash they need to retire, create goals for a successful retirement, eliminate debt and improve cash flow, select the retirement plan distribution choice that is right for them, transfer the risk of potential financial losses before or during retirement and more.

Instructors are Thor McIlrath, investment advisory representative, and attorney Sam Eck.

Course includes a textbook, and takes place in the community room at the Arlington Boys & Girls Club.