Lakewood student pages for Rep. Norma Smith

OLYMPIA — Desmond Thorpe, 14, traveled to Olympia to page in the state House of Representatives from Feb. 26 through March 2. He was sponsored by his 10th District Representative, Norma Smith. Thorpe lives in Stanwood and is a ninth-grader at Lakewood High School.

OLYMPIA — Desmond Thorpe, 14, traveled to Olympia to page in the state House of Representatives from Feb. 26 through March 2. He was sponsored by his 10th District Representative, Norma Smith. Thorpe lives in Stanwood and is a ninth-grader at Lakewood High School. He is the son of Chris and Sherry Thorpe.

Each day Thorpe attended page school to learn about the legislative process. As part of his duties, Thorpe distributed documents and notes to legislators and staff on the House floor, as well as around the capitol campus.

“It was a delight having Desmond in Olympia serving as a page and learning more about the legislative process,” said Smith, R-Clinton. “His contribution and service to the Legislature was a great help, along with the other terrific students who served us so effectively.”

Each year, students from around the state apply to participate in the legislative page program. Students spend a week attending page school, learning the inner workings of state government and assisting legislators on the House floor.