Young Professionals Network collects food for holidays

Four months after its first meeting, the Young Professionals Network is continuing to meet monthly at the Mpulse Lounge of the Tulalip Resort Hotel and Casino, but as the holiday season gets underway, its members are also trying to pitch in on behalf of the community.

TULALIP — Four months after its first meeting, the Young Professionals Network is continuing to meet monthly at the Mpulse Lounge of the Tulalip Resort Hotel and Casino, but as the holiday season gets underway, its members are also trying to pitch in on behalf of the community.

At its Nov. 12 meeting, the Young Professionals Network collected an average of three food items from each of its members for the Marysville Community Food Bank, according to Young Professionals Network Chair Andy Tift. On Nov. 14, 10 members of the Young Professionals Network volunteered to help the Marysville Community Food Bank put together Thanksgiving baskets for its clients.

“Our membership as a group is growing, but there’s a limited amount of tasks for our people to do, so the Food Bank asked us to limit it to 10 members,” Tift said. “We’re focusing more on doing things for the community. We want what we do to impact families and upper school-age children, like park cleanups. Young people are where our young professionals will come from.”

The Young Professionals Network attracted close to 50 attendees from throughout north Snohomish County at their inaugural meeting Aug. 13, but Tift said the group is always looking for more exposure.

Marysville insurance agent Paul Pukis, one of five founding members of the Young Professionals Network, described the group’s target age demographic as 21 to just under 40.

“We’re looking for any person who fits our demographic, whether they’re a professional, an employee or a construction business owner,” Pukis said.

“We’re here to be members of the community,” Tift said. “We want to work with the leaders of the community to keep this a wonderful place to live.”

Tift advised those who are interested in the Young Professionals Network to contact the Greater Marysville Tulalip Chamber of Commerce, either by phone at 360-659-7700 or by walking into their offices, in Suite C at 8825 34th Ave. NE in Tulalip. The group meets on the second Thursday of each month, and for more information, you can also log onto the Chamber Web site, at