A different perspective

This letter presents the subject of abortion from different perspectives (which should satisfy the secular portion of the population). These are never addressed in the media today.

This letter presents the subject of abortion from different perspectives (which should satisfy the secular portion of the population). These are never addressed in the media today.
I would ask your readers to look around them. Every other establishment has a help wanted sign. We have killed 50 million Americans since 1973. Those Americans were replacements for our aging workforce. All my years of schooling I was told 5 percent of the potential work force were unemployable. Because employers are desperate, we are now at 4.5 percent, that puts us .5 percent into the unemployables. These shortages have put Americans in their 70s in the workforce. The vacuum created by the loss of these 50 million has sucked in millions of illegal aliens. Politicians of all stripes refuse to close our borders. Imagine sending these millions of illegals home. Just think of the help wanted signs then.
America is having a hard time maintaining 450,000 military forces. A small percentage of 50 million would have made this easier. Four hundred fifty thousand is a small force compared to our potential enemies two and three million soldiers.
From the time a baby is born it is a consumer (baby food, diapers, school, car, wedding, house etc.) These 50 million consumers are not here.
This is a moral and realistic perspective. Abortion is a bad idea. I am pro life and believe no one has the right to privacy to kill another human. That said, dont mess with mother nature.
Peter McKeown