A food column

A few weeks ago the editor of the Arlington Times and Marysville Globe, Scott Frank, extended an invitation for contributions to the papers’ Arts and Leisure section. He invited any who had an interest in writing a column to contact him with a proposal. This is my first attempt since high school journalism many, many years ago to write a column, I hope I have not lost the “touch.” I wish to thank Mr. Frank for this opportunity.

A few weeks ago the editor of the Arlington Times and Marysville Globe, Scott Frank, extended an invitation for contributions to the papers’ Arts and Leisure section. He invited any who had an interest in writing a column to contact him with a proposal. This is my first attempt since high school journalism many, many years ago to write a column, I hope I have not lost the “touch.” I wish to thank Mr. Frank for this opportunity.

For years I have had an interest in food, after all I have over 60 years of eating experience and have thought that I could do better than what I have seen the past few years in the larger papers to the south. My intentions are to focus on North County but that will not be a limiting factor.

I intend to write about food, not restaurant reviews but may review some, to review a local restaurant is a dangerous undertaking. If, for example, I wrote something derogatory about the Blue Bird in Arlington or the Village in Marysville, the members of the 7 a.m. coffee club would hunt me down and most likely poke me with their canes until I recanted and apologized profusely.

If I do a review, you will sure as heck not read much about the décor or the wait staff’s uniforms. You will find out if the restrooms are clean and accessible, the seating is comfortable and if there is ample space in the booths for those of us who may have spread a bit. You will read about the food, if the portions are a good value for the price paid, and if the servers were friendly, knowledgeable and attentive.

Nor do I intend to write a recipe column where one can request a recipe that has been long lost or sampled in a restaurant somewhere. But, I may include a recipe once and a while or solicit your best recipe for some dish (but never a tuna casserole!) One suggestion/idea is; who has the best side dish with 4 ingredients or less.

I may go on a hunt in the community for say — the best: chili dog, egg foo young, fish and chips, apple pie or who serves the best breakfast, and ask for your suggestions. What ever has been showing over and over on the food network will have a large influence on what the “hunt of the month” will be.

I will welcome your comments and suggestions, more so the positive then the negative. I think to start out; I should just focus on the positive and ease into any negative comments. That will work for me, and my ego will appreciate the accolades.

I can be reached at BobAtArlTms@yahoo.com. Due to the expected overwhelming response to this column (I hope), it may be awhile before I can answer any questions or inquiries.