Time is running out if you need to register to vote

While the Nov. 4 general election may be weeks away, there are only a few days remaining for those who need to register to vote as the deadline to register is Oct. 4.

While the Nov. 4 general election may be weeks away, there are only a few days remaining for those who need to register to vote as the deadline to register is Oct. 4.

This is an important election in which voters will be making critical decisions as to who will lead this nation and this state. While the presidential race and the race between Gov. Christine Gregoire and challenger Dino Rossi are receiving most of the attention, north county voters will also be making a number of important decision as to who will represent them in the state Senate and state House of Representatives. North Snohomish County is represented by a number of Legislative Districts, including the 10th, 38th, 39th, and 44th. Who we decide to send to Olympia could have a major impact on local issues such as transportation, the proposed branch campus of the University of Washington, education and more.

You can help decide who will lead us into the future by casting your ballot on Nov. 4, but to do so you must be a registered voter.

Registering to vote is a simple process. To qualify to vote a person must be a U.S. citizen; must be a resident of Washington for 30 days prior to the election; must be 18 years of age on or before the next election day; and must not be presently denied civil rights as a result of a felony conviction. In Washington, a voter is not required to register by political party or declare party membership to vote in any election.

You must be registered 30 days before an election to vote in that election. If you are not currently registered to vote in Washington and have lived in Snohomish County for 30 days, you may register 15 days before an election at the Snohomish County Auditor’s office at 3000 Rockefeller Ave., in Everett.

Citizens may register to vote in person at the auditor’s office or they can obtain an application to register by mail at locations such as post offices, city halls, state officers, libraries, and driver’s licensing offices. They may also request them at www.vote.wa.gov. If you are going to return the application by mail, it must be postmarked by Oct. 4.

If you have any questions about the primary election, registering to vote or voting, call the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office at 425-388-3444 or visit their Web site at www1.co.snohomish.wa.us/Departments/Auditor.

Don’t let time run out — register to vote and participate in the democratic process by casting your vote in the November general election.

To contact a member of The Marysville Globe/Arlington Times editorial board — Stuart Chernis or Scott Frank — e-mail forum@marysvilleglobe.com.